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I love Rome!

Konichiwa!  Ciao!  Hi!  

St Peters dome

I love everything about Rome.  I love the food, I love the street performers, and I love the gelato.   I also love the sights.  We got to see a crypt with artwork on the walls made out of bones, the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, St Peters Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and we also climbed the dome to St Peters Basilica.  There were 551 steps to climb the dome.  It was very fun and very tiring.  I was sweating so hard when we got back down and my mom’s legs were shaking like crazy.  But the views from the top were amazing.  It was unbelievable how high we were!  We also saw the Trevi Fountain.  It was very very big!  And we saw my friend Mason and his family!  We went to the Capuchin Crypt, stood on the Spanish Steps, and went to dinner and to gelato with them.  Mason doesn’t like gelato so he got a crepe instead.  It was very fun and unusual seeing a friend from home.  When he saw me he ran over to me and hugged the life out of me!  I loved seeing him.  It was very fun.  The night before we left Rome, I was very sad to leave because I love Rome so much.

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