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“You’re here to make the elephants happy.”

There are so many horrible stories about elephant mistreatment for the purpose of tourism… We’ve learned that the only way to tame elephants and make them compliant is to break their spirits as babies, a horribly abusive process called “phajaan,” or “the crush”. We chose a sanctuary with good reviews and that didn’t allow any riding (elephants’ spines can’t support the weight of humans) or have its elephants perform any tricks… with the hope that the sanctuary holds to its mission statement even when there aren’t watchful eyes. From what we saw, the staff really seemed to care for the elephants at the sanctuary. As one example, our afternoon included taking a mud bath with the elephants and then washing off with them in the nearby river. The guides told our group multiple times beforehand that it was up to the elephants if they would actually get in river and they couldn’t guarantee it since the river is cold in December. They said, “You’re here to make the elephants happy; they’re not here to make you happy.” We were glad when the elephants all decided to get in water to play and were also happy they weren’t forced into it against their wills.

Just a few more pictures…

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