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Roaming in Hanoi

Walking in Hanoi was very fun. It was especially fun because we got to walk with the Moes and Mr. Cox. There were tons of motorcycles everywhere and many street vendors selling a variety of things from banh mi, to doughnuts, to yummy sweet buns, to chicken wings, to turtles. (Sadly, they eat turtles, whereas we keep them as our pets.) Crossing the street in Vietnam was very hard at first, but by the time we were nearing the end of our stay in Hoi An, we became very good at it. The trick is to go slow and to look both ways all the time. Otherwise, you might get hit by a guy driving fast while texting on a motorbike. And sometimes there aren’t even sidewalks because they either aren’t there, or they are being occupied by people using the space for their kitchen or for parking their motorbikes. A few times, we went through these tiny little alleys to try to find a shortcut to get to the other side of a long row of buildings, but one time we got to a dead end and had to turn around. On one of our food tours, Andy, our guide, told us that these alleyways actually go through people’s homes but it’s okay for the public to use them now because the government made them public back in the 1950s. Walking through Hanoi is very exciting and we were glad to get comfortable with it before we left!

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