Dubrovnik reminds me a lot of Rovinj, which is also in Croatia and is where we took the ferry to from Venice in late August. The streets and houses are similar, and the view of the city from the across the water looks similar. While we were in Dubrovnik, there were a couple days that were really stormy, so my brothers and I got to watch a couple of movies. We watched the new Lion King and Toy Story 4. They were both really good. My mom and I also went on a night out. At home, my mom and I usually either go to Starbucks and get a drink and play a game or or to a restaurant (usually a Thai restaurant called Sip Thai in Redmond). When I go out with my dad, we usually go bowling or to Power Play (an arcade in Bellevue). Since there was no Sip Thai or Starbucks, we went to an Italian restaurant. It was really fun!
The moto-kitty is so cute! She looked like she was telling you to leave her there, and not make her move, though! Lovely pictures of this coastal town!
Thank you Dr Calvery! Yeah it did! Happy Thanksgiving!