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Searching for Monks

We spent a week in the city of Kalambaka next to the unbelievable Meteora. Meteora is a huge cliff formation with monasteries built on the top. There are six monasteries and we hiked up to all of them within three days–two each day. The view was crazy and it was fun to see the other monasteries from different viewpoints.

The very first monks who built the monasteries used a pulley system to get the materials up the rock. We saw some of these systems in use during our visit.

Before our hike on our first day, Dad had read that there could be vipers and tortoises in the brush, so we made extra sure to stay on the path. Luckily, we didn’t become viper lunch!

The experience of visiting Meteora was incredible. It’s impossible to capture the total beauty of Meteora through pictures, but Mom did a great job capturing what we could. 

Varlaam Monastery, Meteora
Varlaam Monastery, Meteora
The symbol above the door is the Chi Rho, which I learned about in History. It is made of the Greek letters Chi (X) and Rho (P) and are the first two capital letters of the Greek word for Christ.
my favorite bridge

monk transportation between two monasteries
monk elevator

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