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Winter Olympics and abandoned structures

Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympics in 1984 and a hotel and and bobsleigh track were constructed for it, but during the Siege of Sarajevo both were destroyed. During one of our days in Sarajevo, we went to the abandoned Olympic Hotel Igman and the abandoned Olympic bobsleigh track. They were both really cool. At the hotel, we walked around it and inside and took some pictures. It looked kind of like a broken down spaceship. There were so many bricks just laying around. Later in the day, for our last stop we drove to the bobsleigh tracks which might have been my favorite one of the two. Once again, they were also abandoned and had so much interesting graffiti on it. We got to go out on to the tracks and run down it. We took many pictures of the curvy tracks. The tracks were really long so we drove from the top to the bottom. Near the top of it there was a gondola ride which looked really cool and pretty. There was a view below the gondolas that was so beautiful and it overlooked the whole town of Sarajevo. Across the valley from our apartment we were able to see the gondola going up the side of the mountain. Bosnia and Herzegovina is really beautiful.

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