With the opening of hair salons and barbershops nowhere in sight, I ordered some clippers and scissors from Amazon and cut off my own locks.
Having proven to my boys that I wouldn’t just shave their heads bald, I convinced Findlay to let me try out my new hobby on him.
At that point, it was ON! I had little boys lining up begging to be next before I started charging. Each haircut was taking about 90 minutes to two hours, so I could only handle doing about one every other day. I’ve gained a lot of respect for hair professionals through this experience.
Very nice haircuts!! I am impressed! You may have more clients when you get back home! Love your posts!
Wow!! You did such a great job!! Happy looking boys! So good to see your faces! ❤️
Thanks Megan! Yes, they were very happy to have the shorn put back in Hartshorn
Haha, thanks Patti!
Impressive!!!!! Are you taking appointments? 😊 We miss you! Be safe out there!
Oh sure, why not! 10% off for friends and family.
Wowww! You amaze me! You did so well. Did your boys too yo uh well?! I will send my husband to you when he needs a haircut after you come back. 🙂
Thanks Ching Ching, send Boon on over once we’re back! I’m putting together a business package where folks can stop in for a trim, a waffle, and a discussion on utilizing data to solve complex business problems.
Very impressive! I’ve trimmed my (straight, v. easy) hair…but Jonathan hasn’t let me near his yet 🙂
Yeah…I’m not sure I would even attempt to cut Anya’s—the cost/benefit calc on that one seems in favor of not trying it! The last time Anya cut my hair was in 2001, the day before my internship started at Safeco. She went to give me a little neck trim and somehow cut a nice distinct ‘V’ into the base of the back of my hair. It wasn’t quite the first impression I was going for with my new employer, but Anya and I got a great laugh out of it.
Hahaha that’s amazing